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Friday, November 7, 2008

ICINGS, The Beautiful Finishing Touch

The icing on the cake is, to some people, as important as the cake itself! The plainest cake can be transformed into a work of art by a drift of icing sugar or an imaginative decoration. This guide illustrates quick, simple, and delicious cake toppings, and recommends some ready-made sweets and other ideas for finishing off your cake in style - fast.

For decorating cakes in a hurry:

Whip cream to firm peaks, pipe or spread over cake. Top with chocolate flakes.

Pile the centre of a plain sponge with fresh berries, pipe swirls of whipped cream around the edge.

Sift icing sugar over cakes using strips of paper or through a lace doily to create striking patterns. Icing sugar can be plain, or mixed with cocoa, drinking chocolate or cinnamon. Place in a small metal strainer and scrape with a spoon to achieve a fine drift of sugar.

Purchased sweets such as marzipan fruits, after-dinner mints, small discs or squares of chocolate or foil-covered chocolate money (wrapped and unwrapped) positioned on chocolate glace icing turn an everyday cake into a celebration cake.

Drizzle or pipe melted white or dark chocolate over iced or un-iced cakes.

Sprinkle chopped, toasted nuts, chocolate or coloured sprinkles over icing.

Edge iced cake with whole nuts or glace cherries.

Source: Family Circle Fabulous Fast Cake (MURDOCH BOOKS).

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